One of my favorite sayings is

"it's the little things make the biggest impacts"

Little movements can create huge waves that just keep expanding out.

This holds true in nearly everything I can think of. These little movements or actions are how you build momentum to shifting your life out of a stuck feeling to one where you feel empowered, confident and capable.

Sounds idealistic? Well, for me it's a solidly ideal life and I absolutely believe one we all can experience.

I have bad days but I have found that my body helps me stay grounded. So far it has always gotten me through, even on my worst days. The hardest days are often the ones when it feels like my body is the the reason why I am struggling.

What I have come to understand is that a lot of energy is lost trying to force my body to do anything when I am at the same time ignoring what it is telling me. Just like any relationship, this can take a bit of time and for sure will require a desire to want to get to know reaquainted with you.

I believe this is because most of us have lost our connection with ourselves.

Most of us have thought at least once about not liking ourselves. Most people have at least once tried to make changes in their lives around exercise, dieting, and lifestyle in hopes that the way we feel will improve. We LONG to feel good in our body. We think or say things like we wish we could get a better grip on what we eat or make time for exercise if only we knew how. We buy books, we sign up for classes and we 'New Years Resolution' our lives a few times a year. Again to the "most" people, you will know what I mean!

Starting something you have not ever really done before or do not know much about, if at all, can be daunting. We are going to be getting familiar with what you eat, why and even changing these well established behaviors patterns yet again becomes a thing you avoid, get you unstuck.

The thing about having someone there to guide you and show you you are worthy of support is that we sometimes forget the way or forget we are.

We are all unique that means there is no "one size fits all" solutions.


I have not met anyone yet who is looking for healing, health and happiness that did not benefit from developing an awareness of themselves in their body. Most everyone will agree it is their ideal to feel good in their body, to feel good about their body and to feel energized by this. Bringing your awareness to your thoughts, behavior patterns, how they influence you and the way you move will transfrom your life!

These are your the insights your body has just waiting for you to discover and tap into and I truly believe they will transform your life.

Every body that has arrived here has done so in seeking solutions. You are here because you care about connections, you care about feeling complete, you are seeking to feel better in some way. Each person has thier own unique reasons for this and so each person I am fortunate to work with will have their own unique path to thier own unique insights.

Listed below under the individual drop downs are the starting points for we work together.

While there are three overall categories they still will overlap some as you are a whole body and no body can feel whole if one aspect is ignored over the other.

Holistic Body Insights? What I do...

What I do is work with you to discover your innate body insights.

What this means is that connecting with yourself through YOUR body key to living a life filled with love and loving the body you are in. It is high time you experienced this!

You know your body better than anyone else. I seek to help you reconnect to how abundant you are though an appreciation and mindful connection with yourself through your body.

How this works is through motion which gives way to momentum. It takes a little bit of effort to take the first step but once you get going you can feel the momentum building. Eventually that energy will flow through you at all times. You got this and I am here to work beside, support you along the way.


Babysteps happened at some point in your life. They got you to where you are now and those first steps, those first days, someone was there to lift you up. To offer you a direction to go in, to hold you steady when you felt uncertain or wanted to give up. They encouraged you when you got distracted or fell down and felt defeated. They were there to help you find a sense of empowerment when you finally realized walking could get you where you wanted to be much faster than crawling and helped you reach new heights. The world opened up for you then, you did that. They were just there to support you along the way.

In sports this is what coaches do with individuals or teams. They help them find personal insights, keys, to unlocking their deeper truths, abilities and potential. If you are looking for this support to unlocking your potential, to love the body you are in, to love the person you are in that body and FEEL this then you have already taken that first step!

Holistic Body Insights is a journey of discovery through mindful movement, thoughts and actions. Essentially, creating an easy flow of awareness in how we are living.

Together we deep dive into the world of discovering you. I will help you create an awareness of yourself, to bring your unconscious beliefs and habitual patterns into your awareness. From there you build your momentum!

We will set about creating the life you want to live from body you'll love live it from with habit changes, exercise and nutrition.

None of this can be done with out acknowleding the value and essential component of self-love. As you discover your innate insight into you, your discovery of love for you will bloom from places you had no idea existed. I believe in you! You got you and I am simply here for support along your journey. Like a hand to hold until you feel steady on your feet and then you will be up and running like a whole new world lay before you, just like that.

I'm happy you are here. No matter what, you are on the right path, you are looking for feeling a life where you love you, love life and feel good in the body and life you are in. Where you feel the energy flowing through you. Whatever your motivation is from wearing a bathing suit with confidence, mid-life identity crisis, sick and tired of feeling sick and tired you are already on the path towards your goal. Even if I am not the right person to help you, I will still do what I can to help you figure out the best direction for you to head in.

You have already taken the first step and I am here to support that no matter what. I care that you know you matter, I am here to help from one human being to another, there is no costs for a conversation. Further on in this site you will see total transparency in what I do and how i charge for it. There is no sales stuff going on here, that has never been my thing. In truth, because of all sales-y experiences I have had I have been reluctant to reestablish myself online and be associated with people like that. So, please feel welcome to send me a message and let me know how I can help, let's get you some momentum going!

In Love and Light,


Fitness, Strength, Flexability... ready?

Virtual or In-person sessions to help you gain flexability, energy, and confidence. How we do this depends on the individual. Some ways are through classical pilates, yoga and breath work. We will address your goals and then get you moving.

Bodywork encompasses a lot and there are many methods to help you access your body's full potential.

Building energetic movement means we get you moving.

There is truly something magical in discovering your self through your body. This is my absolute passion. I love the insights of awareness our body unlocks for us through mindful movement. While there are many prerecorded videos we can watch and infographics we can look at there is nothing that can replace working with someone. The connections we create with ourselves is, I believe, truly expansive when you have some one there with you, experiencing it too. I love love love! the "aha" moments. Like when we think we hit a wall one moment and then discover at some point we forgot about that wall and it is long gone behind us, if it ever really existed at all!

Through guided movment you experience a connection, develop anUntitled page awareness to your innate body insight. From here momentum gathers and what has seemed overwheming or too hard begins to flow with ease. I bring years of experience in teaching Classical Pilates, yoga, stretching, breathwork and weight based resistance exercise and helping others find these connections for themselves.

There is no bottled energy like the energy you discover through getting yourself moving. While it doesn't happen over night it will feel nearly so.

Let's discover all you can do, the power of you in your life!

More Details Here

About Me. Qualifications, Background, Experience and Purpose:

I will try to make this a condensed version of how I have come to be here and what I do.

My professional experience and education spans more than two decades. This includes working wiht clients and doctors in medically supervised weightloss, Ob/GYN, internal medicine and family practice as a MA, lab tech, surgical assistant, pre and post op patient support and office manager. The professional education was invaluable and has afforded me a range of knowledge, skills and respect that is beyond what you will find with the traditional personal trainer, fitness teacher, massage therapist or medical personnel.

My qualifications are more than 20 years of experience and contiuned education and I am always continuing my education. There is so much more to learn and experince and I will always be a student in some fashion.

I attended Southest Missouri State University as nursing student and finished my formal education at Newman University in social work. I attended a year at the Health Coach Institute where I completed my formal certifications as a Health Coach and Life Coach. I have practiced multiple disciplines of yoga since 2004 and attended teacher training in 2004. I managed a Classical Pilates studio in Los Angeles for 2 years and am also a certified Classical Pilates Teacher. I have practiced several energy healing methods for over 10 years. Some of my studies and practices are Reiki, crystal energy and forest bathing and massage therapy.

My primary fields of study have remained focused on a holistic approach to heal, healing and life. I have studied nutrition, dietary changes, food allergens, sleep, behavior modification and stress management. I have worked with clients in weightloss and nutrition, herbalism and holistic health care since 2007 in both clinical and individual manners.

I've also worked with non-profit organizations in support for foster children, sexual assult victims, veterans, nursing, hospice and cancer patients.

My passion is the body.

I have always had a deep respect and innate held belief that there is always a way to find an answer and I believe that our body has the insight to discovering this.

We need to reconnect to the world around us and rediscover ourselves. We need to unlock the insight our body has and connect with ourselves. We need support in this. Life is not meant to go alone. Life is not truly a win at all costs, only one winner, survival of the fittest experience. We need each other and we need to know ourselves again. There is so much healing that happens when you discover this. If you want to feel energized, to appreciate yourself, to love the body you are in you have to connect with you, to realize that you deserve your time too. This is the conclusion I have come to in a lifetime of passion about all things health, healing and the connection between our minds, bodies and the world around us. This is what matters most to me and what I would love to help you find in you. Let's get reaquainted with ourselves and truly feel the love for ourselves, our lives and the body we are in!

Pilates, Yoga, Flexability. Breathwork, Meditation, Diet, Meal Planning, Behavior Modification, Energy Therapy and more...Services